Basic protocol

The basic or without manipulation protocol consists of a visual monitoring of the nest boxes, without direct manipulation of the specimens that we find.

This protocol, designed for citizen involvement, allows data collection in a simple way and can be applied by any person or group without previous experience.

Create a station

Set up a fixed sampling station of 6 nest boxes, in a quiet area of deciduous forest, an ideal habitat for the species (oak, beech, hazel, chestnut, ash, maple, etc.). It is recommended that the place selected is close and easily accessible to the collaborator.

The nest boxes should be numbered and placed in line (linear station) at 30 meters from each other and about 2.5 to 3 meters from the ground.

Specific nest boxes for edible dormouse should be used, as they are boxes adapted to the needs of this species and with an opening adjusted to the size of the animal.

After the installation of the boxes, the Station registration form must be filled in with all the information requested.

There is also the option of taking an existing station that is inactive.

Check the boxes

The boxes are checked a total of 5 times each year.

A monthly check from July to October between the 15th and 25th is requested coinciding with the activity peak of the species inside the boxes. Moreover, a cleaning check check is done during June (any day of the month):

  1. June: Cleaning and maintenance check of the nest boxes. Some birds (e.g. the great tit) might have just left the boxes where they have bred. Besides, there may already be some occasional edible dormouse occupation.
  2. July: First regular occupations of edible dormice. Mating and searching for breeding shelters by females.
  3. August: Mating and start of breeding.
  4. September: Breeding and lactation.
  5. October: Dispersal of the young and pre-hibernation of the adults.

The boxes should be checked in the morning when the edible dormice are most inactive and are resting in the nest boxes. Following the basic protocol, it is not necessary to pick up or manipulate the animals, simply observe the inside of each nest box. It is very important to ensure that the box has been properly checked and that no evidence, individual or pup has been missed.

During nest box checks it is important to follow and complete the Basic Protocol Field Sheet

Consult this sheet in order to determine the different age and sex classes of edible dormice.

For more information and details see the complete protocol

Enter your data

Sign up as a user in this portal and then you will be able to register the nest boxes of your stations and enter the data collected in the field during the nest box checking. The data of the revisions must be entered before December.

To find out how to register and enter the data step by step, please refer to the following web tutorial and have the completed Station registration form and field form ready.

For security reasons, all past field sheets must be kept by the user.